Ignou BPAG-171 Book- Download Free

Looking for Ignou BPAG-171 book download link? Well, this is the end of your search. Here you could download BPAG171 e-book pdf in Hindi & English Medium. If you are Ignou BAG Public Administration student this book applies to you.

This is a textbook for the subject code- BPAG-171 is based on disaster management. This may be your favourite subject as in modern life we all need to learn about disasters & it’s basic management.

This particular textbook is applicable for Ignou and other Universities where CBCS syllabus applicable.

Important Details about this Textbook- BPAG-171

Textbook Code: BPAG-171

Textbook Subject Name: Disaster Management

Applicable for Course: Ignou BAG Public Administration

Publisher: Ignou

Authors for Hindi Medium: Ranju Pandey, Bora Joshi, Kanal Kamla, A. Senthamil, Poonam Routela, Pardeep Sahni.

Authors for English Medium: Poonam Routela, Pardeep Sahni.

Publishing Year: 2020

Download Links for the both BPAG-171 English medium and Hindi medium are given below. You should click on the block name and the pdf will be saved to your device. These are block-wise as its file size may be big so you won’t be able to download whole at once.

Save them in a particular folder that will make you find it easily. Save it in your smartphone and keep studying on the go.


Download Link – Ignou BPAG-171 Book- Disaster Management

Block-1 Introduction

Block-2 Disaster Management- Concepts and Institutional Framework

Block-3 Interrelationship between Disaster and Development

Block-4 Disaster Management- Cross-Cutting Issues


Download Link – Ignou BPAG-171 आपदा प्रबंधन Text Book

खंड-1 प्रस्तावना

खंड-2 आपदा प्रबन्धन – अवधारणा और संस्थागत ढाँचा

खंड-3 आपदाओं और विकास के बीच अन्तर्सबंध

खंड-4 आपदा प्रबंधन – तुलनीय मुद्दे

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