Find here you most awaited Ignou Book BEGLA-136. Working to find your Ignou BAG English BEGLA-136 you have landed to the perfect page. This is one of BAG English textbook which is being searched by many students. Therefore we are here with Download link of BEGLA136 study material in pdf format.
Before we move ahead towards download links, let’s know more about this book. below are some details related to this BEGLA-136 study material.
- Book Code: BEGLA-135
- Book Title: English At The Work Place
- Publisher: Ignou
- Publishing Year: 2020
- Authors: Gumila, Urmila; Balachandran, Meera; Ray, Shefali; Chattopadhyay, Arundhati; Gupta, Anju Sahgal
- Whom is this book for: This book is a subject of BAG English Course. This Ignou Book BEGLA-136 is under Ignou CBCS Syllabus. However, some open, state & central universities also offering CBCS syllabus for BA English. If you are a student from other University where CBCS syllabus applicable, this is useful for you.
Note: Before you scroll below to download section, make sure you have PDF reader or acrobat reader in your phone or computer. The file will open in acrobat reader only. if not already installed, please download first.
Download Link- Ignou book BEGLA-136: English At The Work Place
You just need to click on the Blocks to find the pdf file. You can download all files block-wise also the unit-wise.
Block-1 Exploring the Job Market
- Unit-1 Profiling Oneself for the Job
- Unit-2 Searching for a Job
- Unit-3 Responding to Job Advertisements
- Unit-4 Preparing for the Job
Block-2 Preparing for Job Interviews
- Unit-5 Using Body Language Effectively
- Unit-6 Portfolio Making
- Unit-7 Writing Your Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Unit-8 Preparing to Face an Interview
Block-3 Skills for the Workplace-I
- Unit-9 Etiquette, Cultural Awareness and Gender Perceptions
- Unit-10 Understanding Customers
- Unit-11 Essentials of Customer Service
- Unit-12 Work Ethics
Block-4 Skills for the Workplace- II
- Unit-13 Participating in Discussions
- Unit-14 Marking Presentations
- Unit-15 Writing Business Letters
- Unit-16 Writing Business Emails
Conclusion: After downloading this files you can save it in a particular folder on your smartphone or desktop. Best way to prepare for exam is to keep the book in you handset and read it on the go. Being a working student, this will help you study whenever you get time.
Apart from Ignou book BEGLA-136 you may also download the other textbook for BAG Course. Below is the download link for your reference.
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