Download Ignou BSCG Books for New CBCS Syllabus

Ignou BSCG Study Materials/Book: If you are looking for Ignou BSCG books or study materials there is no better place than this. BSCG means Bachelor of Science General. Basically, BSCG is the program code for new CBCS course Bachelor of Science (General).

BSCG course has multiple disciplines to select and each discipline has five categories. Let’s understand it by the following demonstration.

You have 4 categories to choose subjects from-

  • a) Discipline-Specific Core Courses (DSC)
  • b) Discipline-Specific Electives (DSE)
  • c) Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC)
  • d) Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC)

Available Disciplines for BSc. General CBCS Course are-

Botany, Chemistry, Geography, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Zoology

Here you will be able to download every subject textbook for every discipline related to BSCG program.

Please note: that textbooks are not yet completely ready to dispatch to you so here we have given you simple options to Download Ignou BSCG books/ study materials.

Download Ignou BCOM New Syllabus Books (July 2019 Batch):

Ignou BSCG Books: Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course

These are compulsory subjects from AECC category and every student has to choose these subjects. You can click on the subject to reach the download section of that book.

BEVAE-181 Environmental Studies
BEGAE-182 English Communication Skills
BHDAE-182 Hindi Bhasha Aur Sampreshan

Ignou BSCG Books for Botany Discipline

In this section, you will download botany discipline subjects from three categories- Core Course (DSC), Discipline Specific Elective (DSE), Skill Enhancement Course (SEC).

Discipline-Specific Core Courses (DSC) for Botany
BBYCT-131 Biodiversity
BBYCL-132 Biodiversity Practical Manual ebook | Download Link Hindi | Download Link English
BBYCT-133 Plant Ecology & Taxonomy
BBYCT-135 Plant Anatomy & Embryology
BBYCT-137 Plant Physiology & Metabolism
BBYET-141 Cell & Molecular Biology
BBYET-143 Economic Botany & Biotechnology
Discipline-Specific Elective Subject for Botany
BBYET-141 Cell and Molecular Biology
BBYEL-142 Cell and Molecular Biology: Laboratory
BBYET-143 Economic Botany and Biotechnology
BBYEL-144 Economic Botany and Biotechnology: Laboratory
Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) for Botany Discipline
BBYS-183 Medicinal Botany
BBYS-184 Plant Diversity and Human Welfare

Ignou BSCG Books for Chemistry Discipline

In this section, you will download all Chemistry discipline subject for BSc. General. If you have selected Chemistry discipline, download your Ignou BSCG book for chemistry.

Check the DSC category at first, then DSE and at the end, there are SEC category subjects under botany discipline.

Discipline-Specific Core Courses (DSC) for CHEMISTRY
BCHCT-131 Atomic Structure Bonding General Org..
BCHCL-132 Chemistry Lab-I
BCHCT-133 Organic Chemistry-I
BCHCT-135 Organic Chemistry-II
BCHCT-137 Co-ordination Chemistry
BCHCL-138 Coordination Chemistry, States of Matter and Chemical Kinetics: Laboratory
Discipline-Specific Electives (DSE) for CHEMISTRY
BCHET-141 Analytical Methods in Chemistry
BCHEL-142 Analytical Methods in Chemistry: Laboratory
BCHET-145 Quantum Chemistry, Spectroscopy and Photo-chemistry
BCHEL-146 Quantum Chemistry, Spectroscopy and Photochemistry: Laboratory
BCHET-147 Organometicals, Bioinorganic Chemistry
BCHEL-148 Organometallics, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Polynuclear Hydrocarbons and UV, IR Spectroscopy: Laboratory
BCHET-149 Molecules of Life
BCHEL-150 Molecules of Life: Laboratory
Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) for CHEMISTRY
BCHS-184 Basics of Pharmaceuticals Cells

Ignou BSCG Study Materials for PHYSICS Discipline

If you have selected physics discipline under BSCG program, here are the study materials for you.  The subjects which are together in the same raw will be taken together. In order to download the subject, please click on the subject title.

Discipline-Specific Core Courses (DSC) for PHYSICS
BPHCT-131 Mechanics
BPHCL-132 Mechanics- Laboratory (यांत्रिकी- प्रयोगशाला)
BPHCT-133 Electricity and Magnetism
BPHCL-134 Electricity and Magnetism: Laboratory
BPHCT-135 Thermal Physics and Statistical Mechanics
BPHCL-136 Thermal Physics and Statistical Mechanics: Laboratory
BPHCT-137 Wave and Optics
Wave and Optics: Laboratory
Discipline-Specific Elective (DSE) for PHYSICS
BPHET-141Elements of Modern Physics
BPHEL-142 Elements of Modern Physics: Laboratory
BPHET-143 Digital Analog Circuit and Instrumentations
BPHEL-144 Digital and Analog Circuits and Instrumentation: Laboratory

Ignou BSCG Study Materials for Mathematics Discipline

In this section, you can download Mathematics books for BSCG program. if math is in your discipline you can download the books following the below table.

BSCG Mathematics Discipline Specific Core Course
BMTC-131 Calculus
BMTC-132 Differential Equations
BMTC-133 Real Analysis
BMTC-134 Algebra
BSCG Mathematics Discipline Specific Electives
BMTE-141 Linear Algebra
BMTE-144 Numerical Analysis

BSCG: Bachelor of Science General (Geology Discipline)

Students who have taken Geology discipline, get here your study materials. Some subjects are together, these to be taken together.

BSCG- Geology Discipline Specific Core Course
BGYCT-131 Physical & Structural Geology
BGYCL-132 Physical and Structural Geology – Laboratory – English Medium | Hindi Medium
BGYCT-133 Crystallography, Mineralogy & Economic Geology
BGYCL-134 Crystallography, Mineralogy & Economic Geology: Laboratory
BGYCT-135 Petrology
Petrology: Laboratory
BGYCT-137 Stratigraphy & Palaeontology
Stratigraphy and Palaeontology: Laboratory
Discipline-Specific Elective for BSCG Geology
BGYET-141 Ore Geology and Industrial Minerals
BGYEL-142 Ore Geology and Industrial Minerals: Laboratory
BGYET-147 Geomorphology & Geotectonics
BGYEL-148 Geomorphology and Geotectonics: Laboratory

Ignou BSCG Books for Zoology Discipline

Students who have chosen Zoology discipline can download books here. Below are all Ignou BSCG books for Zoology Discipline.

Remember the subject which is together in a raw, can be taken together. One is the theory subject and another is Lab work. Both to be taken together.

Zoology- Discipline Specific Core Course
BZYCT-131 Animal Diversity
BZYCT-132 Animal Diversity: Laboratory
BZYCT-133 Comparative Anatomy and Developmental Biology of Vertebrates
BZYCL-134 Comparative Anatomy and Developmental Biology of Vertebrates: Laboratory
BZYCT-135 Physiology & Biochemistry
BZYCL-136 Physiology and Biochemistry: Laboratory
BZYCT-137 Genetics & Evolutionary Biology
BZYCL-138 Genetics and Evolutionary Biology: Laboratory
Zoology- Discipline Specific Electives
BZYET-141 Immunology
BZYEL-142 Immunology: Laboratory
BZYET-143 Insect Vectors and Vector Borne Diseases
BZYEL-144 Insect Vectors and Vector Borne Diseases: Laboratory

Ignou BSCG Book: Geography Discipline

Geography discipline is designed for the enhancement of Geographical knowledge for the student willing to make a career in this field. There are lots of subject options to choose from. If you have selected this discipline, here are the Ignou BSCG Study materials for geography disciplines.

Geography– Discipline Specific Core Course (DSC)
BGGCT-131 Physical Geography
BGGCT-132 Human Geology
BGGCT-133 General Cartography
BGGCL-134 General Cartography: Laboratory
BGGCT-135 Environmental Geography
Geography- Discipline Specific Electives (DSE)
BGGET-141 Geography in India
BGGET-142 Economics Geography
Geography- Skill Enhancement Course (SEC)
BGGSL-183 Field Survey Methods
BGGSL-184 Remote Sensing and GPS
BGGSL-185 Geographical Information System
BGGSL-186 Techniques in Regional Development Planning

* Note: Some of the books are under preparation so you don’t need worry as soon as it is complete, we will update it here for you to download.
keep us visiting.

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